Recovering From A Serious Illness?

Treating clients suffering from a serious illness can be emotionally challenging, yet extremely rewarding. It is a huge strain on the individual, taking a heavy toll on emotional as well as physical strength. Massage therapy and bodywork may be able to lessen or decrease the client’s dependence on certain medications and may speed healing, due to increased circulation and the client’s enhanced ability to deal with stress.

Massage and bodywork is not a cure, but provides suitable relief and relaxation to aid your body to recover and heal. Massage can help to:

  • Reduce pain, muscle spasm and inflammation

  • Reduce muscle and joint stiffness

  • Improve mobility

  • Reduce fatigue, stress and tension

  • Improve sleep quality

  • Raise levels of serotonin which can ease feelings of depression and sadness

  • Address digestive and elimination disturbances

  • Assist with balance and coordination


For people looking to naturally manage their chronic pain, massage therapy and bodywork can help to improve quality of life by impacting your mood, alongside other benefits. When you live with chronic pain, having a toolbox of strategies you turn to for pain relief is very important. Massage and bodywork can be a powerful tool for relaxing both mind and body.

Another way to aid recovery is to use energy balancing therapy. Reiki is an ancient healing technique originating from Japan, a very gentle yet powerful option for healing any underlying problem. Katie is a Master Reiki practitioner, and practices the Usui Reiki system. Katie acts as a channel for delivering energy into specific parts of the body, releasing energy blockages in certain organs or systems within.

Sometimes the energy within our bodies gets fractured and needs a little help to get moving again. A combination of these treatments is highly recommended and will help to re-energise the body and mental state for a clearer path to recovery. Reiki is an energy balancing therapy and involves the use of non-invasive, hands-on techniques and is a powerful tool which can help to relieve stress and worry.

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Working with body and mind, Katie will shift energy blockages through intuitive massage, energy balancing and by changing thought processes, associated behaviours and patterns. This profound change will leave you with a sense of wholeness, and a new and exciting perspective on life!

Contact Katie now to book a treatment or consultation. Telephone: 07554 003070, or email:



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